Tarsons PP Autoclavable Maxiamp PCR Tubes

PCR tubes have a requirement of ultra thin walls and consistent wall thickness which reduces the number of thermal cycles and gives optimal results. MAXIAMP™ PCR tubes are designed with high quality standards that result in consistent PCR products.
PCR caps are full length and even that allow tight sealing options which reduce evaporation. Maxipense PCR Tubes are extra hydrophobic and minimize sample losses.
Maxipense PCR tubes are ultra hydrophobic and minimize sample losses.
Material: PP

    Sku     Capacity   Pack
510051 0.2ml 1000
510052 0.5ml 1000
510053 0.2ml 1000
510074 0.2ml 1000
510075 0.5ml 1000
510076 0.2ml 1000
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